Category Archive: SEO and Search Marketing
UPDATED: Omaha Web Design: The tea behind design and SEO
There are over 270 ranking factors that Google takes into consideration to rank a company's website for targeted keywords, but what is one of these ranking factors that companies often overlook?
Which would you pick: One million followers or one million SEO visits?
This question by one of the leading SEOS in our industry sparked our interest. Which would you prefer and why? Is there one that is better than the other? Our Omaha SEO experts break this down!
UPDATED: Is “If you build it, they will come” an effective marketing strategy?
If you’ve launched a website for your business and are waiting for the floodgates of consumers to open up, stand bye, you will be waiting for a bit. This is because, "if you build it, they will come" is not the most effective strategy. Here's why!
What is Click-Through-Rates (CTR)?
Now that you understand PPC ads, their goal and have possible set up an ad to go live, what is an important metric to understand?
Keyword research: Which keywords should you use for PPC ads?
While a number of companies have cut their PPC advertising spend, now could be the perfect time to grab their spots and get the lead generation your company has been searching for. But, make sure to pick the right keywords.
What are PPC ads?
Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are one of the most common paid advertising strategies out there due to their high return of investment! Not fimilar with PPC ads, but want to learn more about advertising on search engines like Google? Read our blog!
How can a company optimize for a growing search engine that is all about privacy?
SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry
There is a common phrase in our industry that goes kind of like, "SEO is always changing." And as one of our clients has said before, "there is always a new update, algorithm or something else." That is right because Google is ALWAYs updating at least once a day. Here are the top trends and changes happening in our industry!