Category Archive: Social Media and Digital Marketing
PART 2: Using Quarterly reporting for ROI
This is how to read our Quarterly Social Media Reports and correspond these reports with ROI.
PART 1: How to read Quarterly Social Media Reports
All digital marketing clients, this is a blog on how to read those reports that will be sent your way shortly!
PART 2: Google Analytics 101
Google Analytics provides a better understanding of digital marketing strategies that are being set and followed by any full service digital marketing agency.
Our Omaha social media marketing experts understand the importance of hashtags on social media platforms.
Instagram and ecommerce
How does Instagram stories and Instagram marketing help with E-commerce?
How to grow a start-up with the power of digital marketing
The Midwest is slowly being coined as the Silicon Praire! How can your start-up use social media and digital marketing to grow brand awarness and clientele?
4 Digital Marketing Trends for 2019
Neophytes to the world of marketing are prone to mistakenly believing that digital marketing is different than other types of marketing. It isn't. Digital marketing is marketing.
Marketing for Generations: Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Gen
While digital media platforms might seem like a no-brainer for the younger generations, it shouldn’t be overlooked for the generations that come before them! Generation X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Gen are actually more tech-savvy than you might think.
Marketing for Generations: Z Gen + Millennials
Digital marketing services have been paving the way for businesses of all sizes in terms of brand awareness, lead generation and customer service. As much as traditional marketing is amazing (who doesn’t love a glossy print ad or Geico commercial?), digital marketing is kind of the “boss” these days. Ok - it is the boss.
Twitch: It’s actually a marketing lesson.
It’s safe to say for all marketing companies Omaha Media Group included, the internet has swiftly evolved into more than an informational highway - but into a serious avenue of revenue. We’ve talked about everything from ecommerce sales to answering the popular question, “How do YouTubers make money?”