Omaha Media Group


Category Archive: Social Media and Digital Marketing

4 Reasons why PPC & Omaha SEO services are better together

4 Reasons why PPC & Omaha SEO services are better together
Some things are just better together. Runza and Nebraska football, chili and cinnamon rolls, PPC and Omaha SEO services. Here are four reasons why PPC & Omaha SEO services are better together.
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Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 2

Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 2
Driving traffic to your website is no joke! It can mean all the difference in brand legitimacy, quality leads and overall sales! By hiring a professional, you’ll find your way to a strategy that works best for your business and stretches your dollar.
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Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 1

Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 1
Digital marketing is the design, creation and research that goes into placing a product or service in front of a target audience online. Digital marketing maintains the tone and personality of your brand. As a digital marketing agency in Omaha, we work hard to fight the misconceptions of the field we work in!
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How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 3

How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 3
Social media marketing should never be compared to advertising, as they are two very different things. Social media opens new doors and builds a community for maintaining relationships. Advertising calls attention to the public in a very generic manner to promote products and services.
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How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 2

How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 2
On Monday we scratched the surface on social media followers and “Black hat” techniques to increase your numbers. Cheating the system to grow as quickly as possible in an inorganic manner is unethical and reflects poorly on your business. Today, we go over how to identify Black hat social media.
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How long does it take to grow a social media following? Pt. 1

How long does it take to grow a social media following? Pt. 1
Success looks different for every company. It’s important to understand that social media is primarily for opening doors to new relationships. New relationships turn to into engagement. Engagement results in trust. And trust turns into sales.
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You need a social media expert

You need a social media expert
Social media is a massive part of the everyday lives of Americans. Businesses utilize social platforms to showcase their products and services directly to their audience of choice. It’s one of the easiest, most affordable ways to get a brand in front of thousands of people in one shot.
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How to understand your audience

How to understand your audience
Understanding your audience from a data-driven point of view is important, without a doubt. But understanding the humans behind your audience is equally, if not more, important.
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Digital Marketing for Omaha’s classic brands

Digital Marketing for Omaha’s classic brands
As a professional Omaha digital marketing agency, we’re here to tell you that regardless of how long you’ve been in business, no matter the industry, you need to have an evolving digital marketing plan.
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Marketing in Agribusiness

Marketing in Agribusiness
An overlooked avenue, in our opinion, is how the agricultural industry is marketed. “Old school” farmers are often conveyed as “stuck in their ways” and only respondent to print media. However, agriculture just might be one of the most adaptable industries out there.
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