Category Archive: Social Media and Digital Marketing
What Are Some Of The Best Ways To Launch An Outstanding Digital Marketing Campaign
The evolution of digital marketing has changed the perspective of traditional marketing and advertising techniques. Instead of targeting a generic customer base, digital marketing focuses on delivering the right product to the right people. Digital marketing is also about creating a need within users for a specific product from a specific brand.
The Advantages Of Minimalistic Social Media Marketing
Social media has changed the world; from connecting old friends to creating brand awareness, social media has been instrumental. But have you ever considered that perhaps sometimes it all gets too much? We are bombarded from all sides with articles, advertisements, and friend requests with no idea what to attend to and what to ignore. It is quite possible that we could miss an important bit of information and lose out on an opportunity we were hoping for.
Social Media Trends that Will Change the Game in 2018
Social media has been in the marketing world for a while now. It has certainly grown as a channel for distributing content, reaching a wider audience, and increasing brand awareness. But most of you may be wondering what happens in 2018? Will social media continue to grow at this pace? Or will undergo a complete transformation?
5 Reasons Why Social Media Campaigns Fail
There's no surefire way to social media success. The reason is very simple: social media is an ever-changing medium of communication. What works for one brand may not work for the other. As such, no brand can be sure of their strategies until a campaign rolls out.
5 Ways To Integrate Social Media Into Your Marketing Strategy
Ever since social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and a few others came into being, marketing has stepped up to a whole new level. As these channels became a destination for consumers, brands can't help but integrate social media marketing into their overall marketing strategy.
Decoding The Online Shopping Surge
The festive season has just bid us adieu but the festive hangover refuses to leave us. The gala celebrations with family, the joy of festivities and binging on delicacies has remained the same over the years.
Digital Transformation: Hype Or Innovation?
There’s no escaping the fact that digitization has seeped into every possible sector. Whether as consumers or as industries, we have all been a part of the digital transformation wave.
Using Social Media Influence As An Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship places individuals at fierce competition with big corporations, and a good social media strategy may well be the key to success. Nowadays, the reach on online platforms has gone so far even business cards tend to have information on social media accounts written in them. The world is slowly becoming a community that readily engages with each other and social media is the Ocean that these droplets combine to form. The relevance of social media accounts are such that people automatically assume that any big business will have an online presence.
Five Key Strategies On Audience Interaction Within Social Media
Live audience participation is the current trend within social media marketing. In a market that is fast targeting personalized responses within branding dimensions, social media is the wave everyone wants to ride to surpass the competition. Old ways of doing business are fast giving way to the development of new business models. Basically, the way big corporations do business is changing and at the center of this change is the rise of social media.
Get the Best Out of Your Live Video Content with these Tips
Live video and live streaming are the buzzwords of the year and it’s easy to see why. Live streaming allows businesses to reach their customers with ease. Every moment can be shared as it is happening, allowing companies to keep their customers engaged constantly.