Tag Archive: instagram marketing services
Why No One Pays Attention To Your Marketing!
Ever mass-deleted a bunch of impersonal emails from your inbox? Brand fatigue is a real threat to your marketing strategy. Let's discuss the tricks and tips to avoid the burn out in your marketing influence.
Protect Your Ranking: Clean Your Site’s Cruft
We all have it. The cruft. The low-quality, or even duplicate-content pages on our sites that we just haven't had time to find and clean up. It may seem harmless, but that cruft might just be harming your entire site's ranking potential.
21 Reason Why You Need A Website
Are you stuck in the early 2000's and still don't think you or your company needs a website? Well guess what? You're oh so.. so so.. wrong. Here's 21 of the biggest reasons why you're completely wrong! And some other good information. So get to it!
Labor Day 2015 - Office Closing
A friendly reminder, Omaha Media Group's corporate offices will be closed tomorrow Friday September 4th in observation of Labor Day Weekend. We will resume normal business operations Tuesday September 8th.
Feel Good Friday - 13 Things To Remember About Life
Today is Friday, as such we want to feel good. We also would like to extend the feelings of goodness to you as well. So this list is very fitting for our company today and we are sharing it with you so you too can remember to feel good today. Well... Always.
The Guide to Ecommerce SEO
If you want to run a successful ecommerce site, you can’t ignore SEO. Organic search is a vital channel for delivering customers and growing your revenue. As the internet and ecommerce has gotten more competitive, being found on Google for your brand name isn’t enough.
Website Design and Functionalty Trends for 2015
Wow, how is 2015 almost already over? It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year of web possibilities. In this article, we’ll boil down some of the most prominent web design trends emerging in 2015. It is here that we can find true innovation and new opportunities – a few of which may completely change our understanding of a “modern website”.
Omaha Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Everest Group website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.
Omaha Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new World Education Foundation website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.