× October 1, 2023 - Exciting News: Omaha Media Group was absorbed into the Monstrous Media Group agency family! We've joined forces under a new name, but our commitment to delivering top-tier services remains unchanged. Explore our enhanced offerings and award-winning solutions at our brand-new website Visit us at www.monstrousmediagroup.com.
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Tag Archive: social media marketing strategies

The Dos and Don’ts of Instagram Marketing

The Dos and Don’ts of Instagram Marketing
Instagram Marketing is more-so a marathon, not a sprint. Be sure to follow these dos and don'ts to ensure the success of your marketing strategy.
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How Advanced AI Technology Is Changing Social Media Marketing

How Advanced AI Technology Is Changing Social Media Marketing
Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been making a slow and steady progress in becoming integral to everyday life. Most people do not even realize they are interacting or using AI, especially on social media, even though they interact with the technology on a regular basis. How is this infusion of AI in social media affecting marketing on social media platforms?
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User Experience (UX) design VS. User Interface (UI) design

User Experience (UX) design VS. User Interface (UI) design
It’s Saturday night and you are in the mood to relax. The door-bell chimes and dinner is delivered to your door-step. Ordering food has never been this easy before; thanks to your favorite food delivery app!
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Graphic Design Versus Branding

Graphic Design Versus Branding
Today’s world is defined by choices. Whatever be the product that we wish to buy, be it pins or planes, there are a variety of options available. How then does a customer make a decision?
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Four Great Tips on How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing

Four Great Tips on How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing
According to Statista, Instagram Stories have 300 million active users every day. As a business, you cannot ignore Instagram Stories as it gives you the potential to engage with a larger audience. Since the introduction of this content with a 24-hour lifespan, it has gone on to become one of the most popular features of Instagram. 
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Graphic Design Tips For Beginners

Graphic Design Tips For Beginners
Having knowledge of the basic concepts of graphic design can prove beneficial in a plethora of industries. Business operators, entrepreneurs, social media-gurus, students and even researchers often need to present information in clear, concise and eye-catching fashion. Be it graphics for blogs or corporate presentations on projects, having someone with graphic design experience will prove extremely useful.
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Common Pitfalls in Entrepreneurship

Common Pitfalls in Entrepreneurship
The rigors and failures of entrepreneurship are often hidden under the glare of its glamor and glory. Entrepreneurs need to have a variety of knowledge and skills to make their business stand. This requires complete commitment and a lot of self-discipline.
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The Power of Local SEO And Why You Should Use It

The Power of Local SEO And Why You Should Use It
Nothing needs to be said about the importance of content optimized for search engines. However, one thing that is not being utilized to its maximum potential is local SEO. Local SEO increases your visibility in the local market across various locations and can prove to be a powerful tool to establish your business somewhere. Here are some reasons why you should try it too.
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5 Skills That You Need to Develop to Be a Successful Entrepreneur

5 Skills That You Need to Develop to Be a Successful Entrepreneur
Being a successful entrepreneur is not simply about knowing what to sell and how to sell it. The challenging task is to develop an entrepreneurial personality, which involves honing a lot of different skills qualities. To be an entrepreneur it takes a holistic transformation to happen, because entrepreneurship is not just a talent – it is a way of life.
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Using Digital Display Ads Effectively to Grow Your Customer Base

Using Digital Display Ads Effectively to Grow Your Customer Base
Digital display ads refer to ads that appear on websites, search engines, and various social media platforms when you use them. Some of the ads you see are random, while many others relate to products or services you may have searched for or used previously. Ads are also shown based on what you post on your social media pages and profiles. How can you use these display ads effectively to market your business?
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