UPDATED: Four key SEO tips for ecommerce websites to boost their ROI

The ecommerce industry continues to skyrocket in popularity, and with COVID-19 transforming the industry within months, those who are in this industry could be finding themselves in a good position come the end of this holiday season.
With this in mind, it is important that companies have their websites in order for now and after the holiday season. As a leading SEO company, Omaha Media Group recommends these four SEO tips to help with your return on investment (ROI).
Secure your website
This is perhaps the most important factor driving your website's traffic. We live in a world of instant information and purchasing, and with this, consumers will come from a plethora of different spaces on the internet to purchase your products and/or services, and your ecommerce website needs to be secure.
This is one of the most important elements because Google now shows if a website is secure or not secure next to the URL. This tells users that their personal information could be in danger!
This means a reliable and efficient payment process needs to be in place, a SSL certification, encrypted data transmission and more!
Our SEO company targets a range of keywords for each and every SEO strategy that takes place, but for those who are smaller and more local ecommerce websites and companies, it is important to target realistic keywords.
It is important to target high-volume keywords for a number of SEO purposes, but there should also be smaller, more localized keywords as well. These are short-tail and long-tail keywords.
Talking about optimizing your website with keywords, the long-tail ones seem to do better. For example, you have an online store selling different varieties of teas in Connecticut.
The popular keyword “tea” is good, but depending on a number of variables, and how the rest of the competition out there is, this isn’t the best one for your ecommerce business. This is because Walmart, Target and other large companies sell tea as well, and to compete with those companies will be difficult.
This is where smaller, lower volume keywords are better. A great example is using “online tea stores in Connecticut” because it is more specific and relevant to what people in Connecticut would be looking for. You can take this option and turn it into local SEO strategies as well no matter the city or state.
Make sure your choice of keywords meets the search queries of your target audience. You want to rank in Google and other search engines, and you want consumers to purchase your teas, in this case, so make sure they find you.
Focus on link-building
There are two main factors that Google cares about when it comes to SEO Omaha NE - content and links. Now, an ecommerce company cannot simply create some content with links and call it a day. There are levels of different backlinks that affect your website’s ranking as well.
As a leading SEO company, Omaha Media Group always explains that link building is an off-page SEO strategy that takes a considerable amount of time and effort. This is a manual process, but it is one of the top three ranking factors considered by Google.
A great example of a good, high quality backlink to your ecommerce business is a large competitor in the space who uses one of your links. Another great example of this is a large personal brand who backlinks to your content. It is from a credible source that Google deems as trustworthy and authoritative.
A bad backlink, which can also be known as a spammy backlink, is something that every company in every industry wants to stay away from, this is something our SEO Omaha NE experts will always and forever recommend. This is because it can hurt your reputation and website’s ranking.
A responsive, mobile friendly designed and developed website
A ranking factor for every single website moving forward deals with the design and development of the website itself. Yes, the design and development of a website affects the ranking of a website in Google’s SERP.
As one of the leading SEO factors in 2021, a website has to be responsive, AKA mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and a number of other factors from the Google Page Experience update in 2021.
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing, Website Design