Branding graphic design 101

Did you know that it takes five to seven impressions for people to remember a brand? If your company doesn’t get the exposure it needs, then people won’t see and remember your brand. You need to be sure that your brand not only gets in front of people but also that people will recognize it when it does.
You can make your company more memorable by improving your branding graphic design. Having a well-defined brand will help people recognize your company faster. Potential customers are more willing to trust a brand that they know, and having a specific graphic design for your brand will build that trust and help with advertising. Check out this guide to learn the basics of branding graphic design.
Branding vs. graphic design
A common mistake that people make is believing that branding and graphic design are the same thing. However, these terms refer to quite different things. The first step to designing your company should be learning the difference between the two.
Graphic design
According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), graphic design is defined as “the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.” It is essentially the creative expression of a brand. Graphic designers are the experts who establish your visual identity and guide all the elements into place.
Some art forms that are created to express this message include:
Business cards
Direct mail
Product packing
On the other hand, branding is defined as the process of creating a unique identity for a business, product or service. The whole purpose of branding is to make your company stand out and be memorable for customers. It is the business’s choice on how to brand themselves.
Branding is a combination of:
Logo: A symbol that represents your company
Color palette: A series of colors that represent your company
Marketing strategy: How your company will represent and market itself to consumers
Website design: How the website will look
The process of branding
Whether you are creating a brand for your startup or looking to refresh your current one, you should follow these branding graphic design principles:
Find your target audience
You want to know who your target audience is so you can find out the wants and needs of your audience. For example, if you are a retail company that sells sustainable fashion, your target audience is more likely to prefer a minimalist design. You can incorporate this look into your social media, website and prints.
Find your message
An important part of creating a brand is knowing what message you want to put out for your audience. Your brand should explain what you do, who you are and why people should buy from you instead of competitors. This part includes a strong logo and message.
Find your brand identity
The next step is creating a brand identity. A brand’s identity is its values, mission and vision. Having a defined brand identity helps customers understand your company and increases the likelihood of them remembering your brand.
Do you need brand graphic design services?
If you need help developing or refreshing your brand identity, hire Omaha Media Group. Our marketing and graphic designers can help with your branding. We can help with everything from creating a logo to messaging. Contact us to get started.
Posted In: Graphic Design