Creating Compelling Content for your Website

Creating compelling content for your website can be a challenge. The great advantage you have in creating your own content, however, is that nobody knows your industry better than you. Here are some quick and easy tips to help you get through the struggles of becoming a “wordsmith”.
1. Know your audience.
You know your industry and clientele better than anyone. When you’re creating your content, you need to first and foremost keep in mind the people that you are trying to reach. Who will be visiting your website the most? What are your visitors general interests? What questions might they ask?
2. Don’t be boring.
Regardless of what your industry is, there is someone who needs what you provide. Catch their attention by creating headlines that engage your audience right off the bat and interest them in reading more.
3. Create visuals.
Photos, illustrations, and videos can send a message quicker and more effectively than words. Having visuals that are relevant and interesting can compliment your content nicely.
4. Be skimmable.
The content you create must have a beginning, middle, and end. Start by introducing your readers to what you’re planning on telling them. The “meat and potatoes” of your content must support and detail your main point, concluding with restating the point you set out to make in the beginning.
To make your content easy to read, use short sentences, bold words, bullet points, etc. Also be sure to make sure your content is grammatically correct with the proper punctuation and spelling.
5. Create a call to action.
Encourage your audience to engage with you. “Being available” for your audience via email, social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc), etc makes your audience feel like their contact with you is important.
Creating compelling content and creating a call to action encourages your audience to look further into your provisions. If your audience is interested in what you're online presence is showing, it’s safe to say you’ll attract the same kind of business. Make it unique. Make it easy. Make it compelling.
Posted In: E-Mail Marketing, Website Design, Website Development