Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Pt. 1

For many, making your way into a career of real estate is a dream. From setting your own hours to earning commissions, it’s easy to see the appeal!
With over two million active licensed real estate agents in the United States, it’s crucial to your business (and sales commissions) to stay relevant and stand out amongst the crowd. How does one accomplish that? Thorough digital and social media marketing strategy.
Why is digital marketing important in real estate?
As with every B2C industry, the experience a consumer has can easily make or break your business. In real estate, digital marketing is a simple, modern way to convey the experience your clients have in an easily accessible way.
Brand Awareness.
Digital marketing provides an avenue for you as a real estate agent to spread brand awareness. We’ve heard time and time again, ‘you are your brand’. This is extremely true for real estate agents! The personality you have, the way you communicate and advertise yourself is all a part of who you are as a brand. With a thorough digital and social media marketing strategy, brand awareness can be achieved without having to put your face on a bus bench on Dodge Street.
Reputation Building.
In real estate, word of mouth and online recommendations can go hand-in-hand. Naturally, if a home buyer has an excellent experience with their real estate agent, they’ll convey that to their friends and family. They might even get a kick-back for recommending a friend.
Today, social media provides an outlet for your clients to not only recommend your services to the public, they can review your services for all to see. Additionally, a content and social media marketing strategy can boost your reputation as an expert in your industry. Buying a home can be a stressful, daunting and expensive experience for many! When they recognize you as an expert, their trust level in you can greatly increase!
Set yourself apart.
As we mentioned, there are millions of realtors in the United States. With digital marketing and social media, you have the advantage of seeing what your competitors are doing, what people are saying and identifying how you can make yourself different.
At the end of the day, your clients will only be left with the home you sold them and the experience you gave them. When you set yourself and the experience you give apart from other agents in your area, you might find yourself with a few extra listings headed your way.
With a digital and social media marketing strategy you can show your audience exactly how you’re different from the rest. Through custom forms of content like video, photos and blogs you’ll reach the audience and clients you want to have! Not only will your targeted audience begin to engage in the content you’re producing, they just might provide some content for you!
Go where the people are.
One of the greatest benefits of digital marketing for real estate agents is being exactly where your ideal clients are. The majority of people in the market to buy a home are searching for homes online. A digital and social media strategy allows for you to promote your listings and business on the platforms they’re utilizing.
Digital marketing is an awesome and modern marketing strategy that can be implemented for every kind of real estate agent. From commercial to residential, minimalists to multi-million dollar agents - digital and social media marketing can make big impacts on the goals you wish to achieve.
On Friday, we’ll talk about the best ways a real estate agent can use digital marketing! Stay tuned!