Happy Independence Day 2015!

Between parades, concerts, picnics and fireworks, the Fourth of July holiday is rich with joy and celebration. Independence Day allows us to celebrate the freedoms and liberties we enjoy each day, often without giving it a second thought. But the holiday we experience here at home in Nebraska is nothing like that of a solider fighting overseas, thousands of miles from friends and family.
It’s important to take a moment to remember the men and women of our armed forces who make our freedom possible. Without their relentless commitment and enormous sacrifice, our ability to enjoy a Fourth of July parade or grandiose fireworks show this week – or any week – would be in jeopardy.
Despite the challenges we face as a nation and the intense debates that often rise from our Republic, Independence Day is a reminder that we are the greatest nation in the world and can accomplish anything we put our minds to. It is fitting that we often find common ground in support of our military personnel. They are some of the best and brightest our country has to offer, and we are proud to stand with them.
God bless and have a happy Fourth of July as we tip our hats to our nation’s heroes.
Posted In: News & Events, The OMG Collective