How Can You Get More Comments On Your Blog?

When you manage to attract more comments to your blog posts, it is one of the metrics which gives you an insight into reader engagement. Very often, even the most informative, well-researched and SEO rich content fails to attract the kind of reader involvement you had hoped for. There are some well documented and proven techniques which you can use to increase the number of comments on your blog. After all, it is undeniable that one of the most rewarding moments in the life of a writer is when they receives plaudits for their write-up or someone tells them how much their article helped the person. Just adopt the following strategies.
1. Use a Conversational Tone
As a blogger, you need to have the quality of being able to pique audience interest by using a simple yet powerful conversational tone. One way you can do this is by using a number of open-ended questions. Of course, you have to be cautious not to disseminate misconceptions and also ensure that you are not misunderstood or misquoted. Impart knowledge but don’t adopt a patronizing or pedagogic tone. Your readers should view you as a friend and have the confidence to ask you questions even if you are writing on a difficult subject. Encourage questions and comments by ending your post by giving a hint that you would love to pick their brains. SEO experts like Neil Patel and Brian Dean always encourage questions and more conversation which gives them opportunities to engage with their target audience more or write another post with a problem that may have been identified in the comment section of a post.
2. Respond to Comments Enthusiastically
If you are asking for comments, you will also have to make sure that you reply to as many questions and comments as possible; this will build a community feeling. Use first names to address the persons who have made comments while replying to their queries; break down the physical boundary. If your blog becomes popular and people visit your blog repeatedly, care to remember their names and follow their works also so that you give them a positive vibe and make them feel that they are extremely important to you and always welcome to your blog.
3. Don’t Get Into Silly Arguments
When you are a popular blogger, you will have fans as well as detractors. Sometimes, a critic may have genuine reasons to differ in their opinion; whatever the reason, try to be polite while replying to a comment. Try to explain your logic but be receptive to the other person’s thought as well. Don’t be desultory and half-hearted in your replies to make them feel unwanted and don’t run away from the discussion. However, using sophistry to mellow them down is also not help in the long run.
4. Use Catchy But Neutral Headlines
One of your goals is to make your readers read the entire post, increasing the chances of engagement. Also, use headlines which are non-controversial and transparent as this will increases the chances of attracting more comments as well as getting more social shares. Make sure that the headline doesn’t feel disconnected with the rest of the post; this could put-off your audience.
Driving engagement with your content doesn’t require a humongous effort. It is simple and doesn’t require monetary investment. Why won’t you try it yourself when there are easy gains to be made in terms of increased SEO ranking as well as more traffic?
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