How Many Backlinks Does It Take To Rank #1 in Google

It is a commonly asked question: “How many backlinks should I incorporate into my content to rank on the first page in Google?”.
While there are conflicting reports online and various Omaha SEO companies that beat around the bush, we are going to dive into what actually matters when it comes to ranking.
Let’s begin, shall we?
Disclaimer - We don’t want this to come across like we are pretending to give you a foolproof answer because there are simply too many influencing factors when it comes to ranking we’d be lying to pretend we’re 100% certain. However, with the goal of getting you an intelligent answer, we’ll back our suggestions by data.
What Matters In Ranking?
For starters, there is no universal answer that will work for with one-hundred percent certainty for everyone.
This because there are always unique situations and varying factors at play that influence how you are ranked.
What we can do is look at the facts to help you develop a specific strategy for your individual situation.
Ahrefs did an amazing study on ranking factors correlating to the number of unique domains linking to the page is the most important factor.
Source Ahrefs
In layman’s terms, the most important thing you can do to get higher rankings is to build a ton of good links to your targeted pages.
What Are Backlinks?
Backlinks are commonly referred to in the world of search engine optimization.
However, Omaha SEO experts understand that this term can be confusing to understand at first. Simply put, backlinks are incoming links to a webpage.
When any webpage links to another webpage, it is referred to as a backlink.
While backlinks have always been implemented in search engine optimization (SEO), a lot has changed in the past few years due to Google’s ever-changing algorithm.
In the past, it helped your webpage to rank to just have backlinks. Now, Google has geared its algorithm towards quality over quantity.
Domain Authority
When it comes to domain authority, not all links are created equal. How your page ranks on Google can depend on the amount of backlinks and their quality.
Google prefers indexing content that is helpful and reliable, which means links should be of high authority.
Links that have no apparent value to Google’s algorithm, which is called Penguin, will not find a place on the first page of Google and will be ranked lower.
Including helpful and high authority backlinks into your content not only helps boost your ranking, but also proves to your audience that you are a trustworthy site.
More Than Just Backlinks
When it comes to finding out how many backlinks you may need to incorporate into your content to rank on the first page of Google, you will also need to consider other aspects of your content.
According to Google, with the latest version of Penguin, they are trying to get more granular in rank calculations and are ignoring links that have little to no value.
How relevant is your content to what your potential audience may be searching for?
If you are using keywords that pertain to a certain subject, do not veer your directive.
Your loading speed, as well as your on page optimization will have an affect on how Google indexes your page.
How Many Links You Will Need
With SEMRush, you are able to type in keywords into the Keyword Magic Tool to help you create strategic keyword lists.
You will be able to pinpoint which keywords will best work for your business.
This research will be gathered for you and displayed in a table for your convenience.
You will then be able to send your favorite keywords to the Keyword Analyzer.
This powerful tool enables you to view how much traffic these keywords will bring to your website.
It does this by showing you their click potential in real-time.
Do you need help figuring out your unique link building plan? Omaha Media Group specializes in creating individualized link building strategies to meet the various needs of our clients. Contact the leading Omaha SEO experts for more information today.
What Backlink Questions Should I Be Concerned About?
These are six questions to ask an SEO Consultant or Company before hiring them for SEO strategies.
What keywords do I need to use in my Backlinks?
Did you know long-tail keywords make up 92% of all search queries that people are looking up? These keywords usually have very low competition, and while they are not as traffic intense as short-tail keywords, they can still get your website seen on the first page of search engines about 1,000 to 10,000 times a month.
How Do I Build Links That Will Boost My Website Rank?
One of the most important factors in improving your search engine rankings is link building. A popular search engine optimization or SEO tactic, link building involves getting other websites to link to pages in your website. Link building is an effective way to increase the traffic to your website. Proper link building helps to maintain a steady stream of visitors to your website as well.
What are the most common backlink myths?
Search engine optimization or SEO, despite being a strategy that is being increasingly used in marketing is still a relatively new concept and like all new concepts, SEO is surrounded by its share of myths as well. For a person who is new to SEO, these myths can make it seem pretty confusing. Take a look at the common SEO myths.
We Can Help
Do you need help figuring out your unique link building plan? Omaha Media Group specializes in creating individualized link building strategies to meet the various needs of our clients.