July SEO Notes: The latest in the industry

While the month of June was a busy time for SEOs and Google Updates, the month of July is showing one major update and a change to the advertising policies inside Google Ads. The July 2021 Core Update has affected websites all over the globe and the same can be said for companies and marketers who use Google Ads for a majority of their lead generation!
This is all about the Core Update and new ad changes!
July 2021 Core Update
The July 2021 Core Update did not affect any specific industry like Core Updates in the past, however, just like June’s Core Updates, rankings are fluctuating drastically from increases to decreases across the board.
As Omaha SEO experts, our team always speaks about, “Google Core Updates” but what does a core update actually mean?
Google Core Update is a larger update than the updates that are released almost daily on Google. With over five billion searches every day and in the continuous race to improve search queries and enhance learning, Google releases these updates once a month, every couple of months or massive ones once a year.
The thing that differentiates other updates from Core Updates is that a Core Update will significantly increase or decrease the ranking, keywords, or even backlinks of a website for a specific time period.
This is normal, and for all websites following Google’s Guidelines, the ranking should be back to normal in a short period of time, but for those who see a drastic, long-term change, it could be an indication that black hat SEO strategies are being implemented on your website.
Three strikes and you’re out
One of the biggest changes that the industry is seeing is brand new guidelines from Google Ads’ policies and advertising. From now on, Google is the ump calling if ads are strikes, home runs, or balls.
Google released that there will be a 90 day period within each strike of advertising that gets rejected due to not following the guidelines. Each ad must be changed and approved, and once the advertisement is then approved, the 90 day strike period is removed from the advertising account.
This gives Google permission, after the third strike, to ban the account, and if other ones are created after this, Google will shut all of them down.
For those who are searching to start their SEO strategies, give our Omaha SEO experts a call today! We monitor monthly changes, reporting, and other aspects of the industry to provide our clients with the best results.
We are probably the world’s best digital marketing agency, so you should probably give us a call!
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