Social Media Image Sizes: The Ultimate 2018 Guide

Have you been frustrated with the lack of quality in the images you post on social media? Maybe you haven’t used the right size for each platform! In our opinion, the only thing that’s ever truly “one size fits all” is a rain poncho…so know that each platform is different!
Every platform has different size and resolution requirements when it comes to your images. If you’re not careful and don’t pay attention to these requirements, you run the risk of having blurry images, weird cropping, and a diminished perception of the quality of content you’re posting.
We know that reputation is everything. The last thing you want is a diminished perception of your content quality.
Also know, social media sizes have a tendency to change, so it’s important to research image sizes every few months.
Below is a current 2018 list of social media images credentials:
- Personal Profile Picture: 180px X 180px
- Business Page Profile Picture: 180px X 180px
- Cover Photo: 820px X 312px
- Shared Images: 1,200px X 630px
- Shared Link Images: 1,200px X 628px
- Highlighted Image: 1200px X 717px
- Event Image: 1920px X 1080px
Overall guidelines:
- sRGB JPG files less than 100 KB translate best.
- Images that have a logo or text work best in a PNG file format.
- Profile Photo: 400px X 400px
- Max file size: 2MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Header Photo: 1,500px X 500px
- Max file size: 5MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- In-Stream Photo: 440px X 220px
- Max file size: 5MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Photo Size: 1080px X 1080px
- Stories: 1080px X 1920px
Overall guidelines:
- Max file size 4GB
- Landscape Video Size: 600px X 315px
- Vertical Video Size: 600px X 750px
Overall guidelines:
- Max file size 4GB
- Max frames 30fps
- Personal Profile Image: 400px X 400px
- Max file size: 10MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Personal Background Image: 1584 x 396
- Max file size: 4MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Company Logo Image: 300px X 300px
- Max file size: 4MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Square Logo: 60px X 60px
- Max file size: 2MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Company Cover Image: 1536px X 768px
- Max file size: 4MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Company Banner Image: 646px X 220px
- Max file size: 2MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
- Hero Image: 1128px X 376px
- Max file size: 2MB
- File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
Posted In: Graphic Design, Social Media and Digital Marketing