Thanksgiving gratitude and thank-you’s from Brad Nietfeldt

As I do every year, I have found myself sitting down preparing to devour another Thanksgiving feast and spend time with my immediate family. As I sit here, I have once again found myself reflecting on the year as a whole and what I am thankful for.
It’s no secret that 2020 has been a roller coaster for all of us across a wide range of life-altering happenings and situations. This year, more than ever, I have newfound gratitude for many things in my life.
The freedom we enjoy
We are so fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to express ourselves, to worship as we choose, and to be who we are or who we want and aspire to be. Most of us cannot even imagine what it’s like to exist in circumstances where we are told how to live, think, behave, and just exist. Life would be miserable without the freedom of choice, expression, and how we want to live.
To be alive, right now!
If 2020 has taught me anything personally, it's the joy of just being alive. What a gift we have. Never before in the history of the world have we had so much access to practically everything. Technology has made our lives easier, more efficient, virtually freeing us up to pursue more time for improving relationships, leisure, hobbies, interests, and contemplation. The lockdowns only made life more valuable and allowed us to slow down even more and to take account of what’s really important in life which is family, friends, doing good, loving and supporting each other.
Our Monstrous customers
There are many Omaha web design and Omaha digital marketing companies, thank you for choosing us to work as an extension of your businesses. You are why we exist and we are so proud to get to work with you toward fulfilling your vision and mission.
Our Monstrous business partners
Thank you to all of you who help us provide our Monstrous solutions to our customers and allow us to help support your largest clients. Together, we are proud of the facilitation of opportunities for our employees and support for our various communities.
Our Monstrous employee family
Thank you for all of the hard work and dedication each day to serve our customers making our company what it is. Thank you for the never ending generosity and willingness to rise above and beyond, both on the job, but to help leave our communities better than we found it.
Thank you!
Without our entire family, OMG would not be where we are or who we are today. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a bright future.
In Gratitude,
Brad Nietfeldt
Posted In: News & Events, Business