The Advantages Of Minimalistic Social Media Marketing

Social media has changed the world; from connecting old friends to creating brand awareness, social media has been instrumental. But have you ever considered that perhaps sometimes it all gets too much? We are bombarded from all sides with articles, advertisements, and friend requests with no idea what to attend to and what to ignore. It is quite possible that we could miss an important bit of information and lose out on an opportunity we were hoping for.
Now let’s turn this scenario on its head and look at it from the point of view of the sender of some of these emails and articles. You are an entrepreneur and you have just designed a very effective marketing campaign which you are confident will convert viewers into clients but it never happens. The potential client is so inundated in marketing emails that yours along with several others gets trashed without so much as a second glance. There goes all your hard work down the drain and you even posted your marketing content on every social media platform possible. It may be time to take a different approach.
Minimalism In Social Media Marketing
The minimalistic or minimalism approach to social media marketing does not mean cutting down on content but in effect cutting down on platforms. What the minimalistic approach does is get you to focus on fewer social media platforms and create content that is best suited for that platform. Here are a few tips to follow to help improve results:
- Find the social media platform or platforms that give you the highest conversion rates.
- Let all other platforms go. For example, if Twitter and Facebook work better for you than emails or YouTube ads then let the latter two go.
- Once you have eliminated a few platforms you give yourself more time to concentrate on the ones that do work.
- Do an analysis and find out why they work and use that in future marketing campaigns.
- Set a dedicated amount of time for social media marketing each day and stick to that schedule as strictly as possible.
- Instead of browsing multiple social media sites focus your time on creating content that will not only captivate the audience but convert them into clients.
- Use the hashtag wisely to attract your target audience.
- Get a software that allows you to post your content on more than one site at the same time.
- Use your extra time doing your research and studying the market.
Keeping It Simple
In much the same way de-cluttering an apartment creates extra space and a cleaner feel, minimalism works for digital marketing. A more structured approach, using a more appropriate channel is far more likely to gain audience attention that bombardment from all sides. Choose your strategy well; use your time an effort on what works and discard everything else that doesn’t. Become a minimalistic ninja for your online marketing and watch how the sharper focus helps increase your sales.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing