The best industries for social media marketing?

There isn’t a set-in-stone answer as to who should utilize social media marketing. As digital marketers in Omaha, we believe that most businesses can benefit in some way from a social strategy.
If anything, building a sense community for your customers and clients will always give you a leg up in whatever industry you’re in. People crave a sense of belonging and having “access” to your business in any way. Be it customer service on social media, special promotions or simply getting to know who your business is.
One of the best industries for social media is Business to Consumer retail. Clothing, outdoor gear and beauty products have a large following that can easily gain user-generated content. Consumers can easily share original visuals of their purchases on platforms and tag brands with ease.
Moreover, massive brand supporters oftentimes “do the talking” for you on social media. Their reach on social media only benefits the reach you gain organically.
Social media for local restaurants is a must. Did you know that pizza is the most Instagrammed food on the platform?
Food is popular and consumers love to support local restaurants. Like B2C retailers, obtaining user-generated content via social media for restaurants is quite simple. People love to share food photos, give reviews and explore new places.
It might not seem like companies in the Business to Business world need to have a social strategy, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Social users of all kinds, and search engines for that matter, crave authentic and helpful content. Businesses can utilize social platforms for creating a community for the other businesses they serve, answer questions and use the space for educational opportunities.
Moreover, social media sites are a great place for businesses to listen. Businesses should take any opportunity they can to observe what their clients are interested in and what their possible needs are. Social platforms can also give great insight as to what other competitors are also doing.
If you’re unsure if social media marketing would be beneficial for your business, think about it from a community standpoint as opposed to a sales standpoint. Building a community first will bring the sales in time.
When identifying the right social platforms for you, the concept of social media marketing becomes less and less intimidating.
Do you need social media marketing? Let’s see how we can help you! Contact us!
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing