Top Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

If your digital marketing campaign is not delivering the expected results, then it may be time to look at what you are doing wrong – and how you could do better.
Are you engaging with your users on social media?
Some people think social media is a platform where you can post good-quality content and expect these posts to bring in visitors / drive sales. That is true. However, that is only one side of the coin. Social media has become a channel where customers post their queries/grievances and expect immediate resolutions. If you just schedule posts with an application like HootSuite and ignore genuine customer complaints or queries from potential customers, they will take their business elsewhere.
Respond to every grievance/query. Some people make the mistake of trying to negate the social media impact of an embarrassing situation by suggesting that they take the conversation via email. If it is you who have made the mistake, own up. Apologize and offer to rectify the problem. That is how you win that customer and possibly hundreds of others – by responding proactively.
Are you doing A/B testing of your emails?
This can indeed be done. In fact, there are applications which let you send out your A/B emails (some let you have up to three different options) to say, 20% of your target audience. The one which is opened the most, or the one with the highest click-through rate, depending on your preferences, is the one that gets sent to the remaining 80% on your mailing list.
Some emails are informational. For them, what matters is that they be opened and read. Some contain a link inside them – only when recipients click on them is there the possibility of a sale/purchase. So you could use different parameters for success according to your email content.
Let us say Option A which had a catchier headline saw a 60% open rate, but only a 6% click-through rate. Option B might have been opened by only 20% of those who saw the less-appealing headline, but the content inside might have been good enough for half of them to click on the link, resulting in a 10% click-through rate. Metrics like these can help you narrow down on the kind of marketing email that works best for your business.
Are you doing keyword research when generating content?
You needn’t look farther than Google AdWords. If you sell a sunscreen lotion, you would find that a lot of people search for ‘How to prevent sunburn’. A lesser number of people also search for ‘How to protect your skin from the sun’. Both these long-tail keywords are associated with less competition, meaning there aren’t many who produce content with these keywords. The long-tail keyword that a lot of people use in their content is ‘skin protection from the sun’ – but this is also the least searched of the three.
‘How to prevent sunburn’ is searched 3600% more than ‘skin protection from the sun’. How much of potential traffic (and sales) are you missing out on? Insights like these can help you get more exposure for your content from organic search results by users.
Let us help you avoid the digital marketing “no” list!
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing