Google Analytics Product Update

Have you heard? Google has been super busy. If you're like us, you're waiting patiently for Google Penguin to release but that's not all Google's been working on behind the scenes. Let's cover a few of the more exciting Google updates headed your way!
The New Google Analytics 360 Suite
Yes yes, Google is again working to rebuild the Analytics suite, code name: “GA360S”. Cool, so what does this mean? Well in short, Google Anlaytics 360 Suite is built for enterprise, the new Google Analytics 360 Suite (GA360S) has been geared to help us all understand people’s behavior to give us a better handle on our marketing data, and to give us deeper insights to create a more meaningful and engaging experience to our audiences. Awesome right?
What we’re excited about:
- Support and training.
Covered in your service level agreement, GA360S comes with support that will help you with an in depth needs analysis, training, and materials. Priority access to new education and beta feature tests. Your success is their success. You win, they win! - Security.
GA360S global infrastructure is safe, reliable, and advanced. What does this mean? We're not entirely sure but it's Google and Google doesn't take security lightly. Nor should you, so be happy and smile knowing your data is secure. - Intelligent and Integrated.
Per usual, Google is seamless, making GA360S a single login that allows your whole team to work with your data. Again, awesome!
To learn more about the new Google Analytics 360 Suite, check it out here.
Autotrack for analytics.js
Maybe not so cool for you non-developers but we find Autotrack very tech-sexy. Requiring minimal manual implementation, Autotrack for analytics.js gives developers like us a strong foundation for tracking the data that is relevant for today’s modern web.
The internet has changed leaps and bounds since Analytics start in 2005. The internet of today is much more in depth and varied. Though the web has changed, the implementations of analytics has essentially stayed the same. So Google decided to get a bit more serious about how they went about their analytics.js implementation.
Geared towards a developer audience, Autotrack automatically detects changes made to URLs through the History API, in turn, tracking those as pageviews. It also syncs up with updated URLs so all future hits (social activity, events, ect.) are correlated with the correct URL.
What we’re excited about:
- Declarative event tracking.
Simply adding attributes to your markup. - Media Query Tracking.
Now allowing you to register media query values you’re not using, and automatically track via custom dimensions and if those values change.
To learn more about Google Analytics 360 Suite and Autotrack for analytics.js, check it out here.
Deeplinking from Google Analytics to AdWords
We'd be lying if we told you that we're not super excited about this portion of Google's forthcoming awesomeness. With Google's new Deeplinking, taking action in AdWords is easier now based on insights you generate from AdWord reports in GA. Deeplinking from the AdWords reports in GA to AdWords itself.
Within the coming weeks, the AdWords logo will be located next to each Campaign in the AdWord reports in Google Analytics. This will make it easier to take action in AdWords based on generated insights from the AdWords reports.
What we’re excited about:
- Taking Action.
The capability of going straight to a Campaign through the AdWords logo is going to be easy without segmenting a further report.
To learn more about Deeplinking from Google Analytics, check it out here.
So that's it, for now. As we all patiently wait for Penguin to release you can “learn yourself” up on these three cool announcements and jump on the implementation bandwagon and take advantage of Google's cool new work!
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