OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems

If you weren't able to get your download in yesterday then you probably awoke this morning to figure out that OSx was released and probably have been trying to download OSx Lion all morning and keep getting the dreaded “This action cannot be completed at this time.” error message. Want to know why? Because instead of using Apple's new $1Billion dollar datacenter (which to be fair to Apple isn't even online yet) they decided to farm it's OSx Lion downloads over to Akamai who has proven once again that it oversells it's services and completely under delivers.
ZDnet's Jason Perlow did a GREAT job explaining why..
“I had wondered how Apple was going to handle large downloads from their App Store infrastructure on launch day. Were they going to do it centralized, all from their new billion-dollar datacenter in North Carolina, or would they use a content distribution network? And if they did use a CDN, were they going to build their own, or outsource it? Well, I found out pretty quickly. They outsourced it, to Akamai. The header graphic in this article is the proof in the pudding. Once the transaction was able to be kicked off, the download itself from Akamai happened pretty quickly. From my Optimum Online Ultra connection here in Northern NJ, I was able to download the DMG file/installer in about half an hour.”
So what does this mean for you? Don't plan on being able to download Lion anytime in the near future unless you plan on sitting at your desk and constantly clicking the download button until you finally are lucky enough to get a download spot.
If you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE OSx Lion do yourself a favor and drive over to the nearest Apple Store and pick up a copy of the DVD installation disk. You will be happy you did.
Posted In: The Vast Universe