Video Marketing Tips

Are your video marketing strategies failing you and wasting your time?
Are you planning to drop them? You need to put that thought on pause!
Video marketing is a clear cut way to garner a new audience and keep the old ones hooked. However, if not done correctly, you're spending a lot of time and money on something that simply doesn't work.
Are the videos you produce not performing well?
The video might not market well because:
- It has low quality
- It does not keep the audience interested
- The content is all over the place
- No specific call to action is given
- You hold the reins to your content but we might offer tips for its execution.
Here are some video marketing tips and tools to help grab your audiences attention:
1. Hire a Professional
Branding and video production is a popular service offered these days. Whatever market or location you're in, it shouldn't be hard to find a video professional nearby. Some might even offer a “subscription” type service that will create videos for you monthly, depending on your needs.
2. Quality Equipment
If hiring a professional to create markting videos for your business is out of your budget for the year, at minimum, find a quality camera that has video mode. These days, even a new iPhone takes amazing quality video. You might even explore blogging cameras.
3. Videohance
This app helps you enhance the quality of your videos in real time.
What does it do?
You get to pick out filters from black and white to vintage while you shoot. Control the brightness, saturation and other specifics of your video. You can trim out the messy bits and combine the short videos
It offers cool special effects to add post-production, and the best part is that this app is user-friendly. The step by step guide will help you through the whole process. It also makes sharing the videos much easier than any other video editor out there.
4. Google Analytics
Now, we know that Google Analytics is intimidating. Especially if you're one that wants to pass the nitty gritty of marketing on to a digital agency, like us. But, know that this might be the super tool in your video marketing toolbox. Google Analytics helps you track down the traffic that makes its way to your video channels.
With its helps you will know:
- What is working out in regards to your content.
- Which videos find zero audience.
- What days get more traffic.
- What kinds of people watch the videos.
With the statistics provided by Google Analytics you can clearly identify the things that are working and those that aren’t in your video marketing strategy.
Once you have tallied up the score, you can formulate a new plan to put into action.
By using these tips and tools you will see a visible growth in your audience.
Don’t give up on video marketing. You need it more than it needs you!
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing