UPDATED: What every small business needs on their website

The average lifespan of a website is three years, and on Google, there are plenty of websites that are five to ten years old.
If you’re considering a website redesign and development project, now is the time to get started. The process typically takes about six to 12 weeks from beginning to end, but can be expedited with plenty of feedback and help along the way!
Are visitors able to easily navigate the site? Is it optimized to bring in leads? Now is the time!
Business website must haves
About us
Who is your company? What do you stand for and specialize in? The about us page is the opportunity to elaborate on your brand’s vision and be bold in your statements. This is the moment when you can use storytelling to share your journey and message with your target audience!
Contact information
There’s nothing more frustrating than not having easy-to-find contact information on a website.
Your contact information should include where your business is located, the hours you’re open, a phone number, and a way to send a message.
A custom contact form is the best way to have your inquiries sent to you. Forms keep the inquiries consistent in format and also prevent a plethora of spam from hitting your inbox.
Call to action
What? Yes. Tell your website visitors what they need to do next on each page of your site. Do they need to make a purchase, contact you, or fill out this final form? While consumers are tech-savvy, they still need to be directed to the final destination of their search journey.
Secure hosting
Website hosting is where all the files of your website are held and provides a secure space for your audience to enter their information.
It is critical that all companies and small businesses understand the importance of secure hosting. It isn’t enough to simply find a company that provides hosting, do your research, or get recommendations from experts in the industry.
This can always be switched, and oftentimes, our company helps small businesses to switch their hosting or figure out who their site is being hosted with.
Content that is new, vibrant and optimized does help, but don’t forget about a blogging strategy as well! Yes, new content for all pages on the site and a blog, it can be daunting for clients, but that is what we are here for!
The blog will represent your brand and talk directly to your target audience. The blog is really anything related to your industry that your audience will consume and content with on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.
The biggest takeaway with a blog is to consistently publish content that will help your ranking in Google. At Omaha Media Group, our Digital Marketing Strategists will be able to provide you with this weekly content that helps your website grow in search engines!
It is all a part of the website design in Omaha process, a website redesign and development doesn’t stop at the new site, it continues with content, SEO and other marketing strategies!
From industry updates, press releases, behind-the-scenes, testimonials and more can demonstrate your expertise and become the go-to source for your audience!
Optimization and marketing both take a large amount of effort and time, but are worth it in the long run.
We’ve talked about the importance of a business blog in the past, and we still stand by it. Blogs are a great avenue to host company updates, industry news, expertise, and so much more.
These are the small business website must haves that our website design Omaha experts suggest for all websites, not just small businesses. Let’s get the process started - we can’t wait to hear from you!
Posted In: Website Design, Website Development